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Spray Seal Cut Samples

SpraySeal NS-F300 is an elastomeric coating for waterproofing Horizontal decks, and Blindside applications, including Shot-Crete. SpraySeal NS-F300 is weather resistant, eco-friendly and safe to use. SpraySeal NS-F300 is a highly versatile elastomeric coating that is cold- applied using a spray system to impregnate a geo-textile fabric to create a durable, seamless membrane. It can be used to cover a wide variety of surfaces both indoors and outdoors. With its unsurpassed ability to expand and contract, it can easily withstand all weather conditions.

Features & Benefits

  • NS-F300+GE coating can be used on concrete and wood shoring
  • This product was tested to withstand 150 PSI > 350 Ft of Hydrostatic head pressure
  • It elongates up to 183%, with a tensile strength of 557 PSI
  • This durable product can withstand temperature changes and surface shifts without becoming cracked or strained
  • The product self-heals if it is punctured
  • Environmentally friendly, and free of toxins and VOCs
Storage & Use
  • When used for Blindside application NS-F300+GE is intended to be installed along with a DELTA-NaturaDRAIN drainage mat
  • Avoid storing or using the product in temperatures below 4.5°C
  • Using a winterized kit, applicators can spray down to -15°C